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Noteworthy Media Mentions

Helping Businesses to Build, Grow, and Scale Faster.

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Skilling, micro-loans, concessions: What women want from Budget 2023
Panelist at Adgully’s IMAGEXX Awards & Summit 2023 June | Crisis Management in The Age of Social Media.


change now paris 2024 kamna hazrati panelist new narratives for systems changeChangeNow Summit, Paris, March 2024

Panel Speaker, Narratives for Systems Change

Kamna Hazrati Founder AndPurpose social entrepreneur women leader

ShethePeople.TV Digital Women Awards Winner – Marketing, 2023

Nov 2023

shethepople digital women's awards winner kamna hazrati

Skilling, micro-loans, concessions: What women want from Budget 2023
Speaker, IPRCCC by E4M 2023

May 2023

KH e4m IPRCCC 2023

May 2023

Marketing In The Era Of Transformation

Keynote Speaker, CMO Charcha by Adgully 2023

Jan 2023



marketing keynote speaker

SubK, March 2023

Women’s Day Keynote Speaker

Adgully, Jan 2023

Grabbing attention in 8 seconds: Why PR pros need to up their storytelling game

CMO Charcha by Adgully 2023, Jan 2023

Marketing trends media bytes

Skilling, micro-loans, concessions: What women want from Budget 2023
Yourstory Kamna Hazrati
Jan 2023

Skilling, micro-loans, concessions: What women want from Budget 2023


Dec 2022

A Compressive Guide for Aspiring Women Entrepreneurs

Education World

Dec 2022

What is Digital Marketing in Education?

Dec 2022

How D2C Brands are Driving Through the Omnichannel Way


Oct 2022

How lost sales opportunity is a bigger risk for MSMEs than excess or unsold inventory this festive season

Why consumers prefer Made in India D2C brands

Oct 2022

How lost sales opportunity is a bigger risk for MSMEs than excess or unsold inventory this festive season


Oct 2022

Why consumers prefer Made in India D2C brands

Skilling, micro-loans, concessions: What women want from Budget 2023

Oct 2022

Festive season marketing strategies for small businesses that don’t cost too much

Jan 2022

What About Gender Biases For Women Leaders?